Thursday 5 April 2012

[Leaving!] Please Be Proud..

Hi guys, i have huge bugs on ameba pico. So i made up my mind to quit pico because it is very addictive for me now. I should study in the holidays and do my homework. Please dont be sad, i might have time going on pico and having fun with you and my friends. If anyone ask's, Why is mini not on for a while ?? Just say, Mini is taking a break from pico. Also, another reason is that my gummie's are gone. 150,000 gummies were lost from my pico account, how big is that ?? I think it is huge. I got ONE more reason. When i was on pico, i refreshed then it says error connection twenty billion times. I do not like it when it says that. I am very sorry for saying this please for give me in another day. Love you and take care. . . . . To make this paragraph clear, please message me if you want and favorite my room if you like, Thanks. I will might be on pigg more then pico. Pigg has fishing, casino farming and ore activities with no bugs. Please do not write on my message board when im gone doing my studys. I will be on facebook too. Happy holidays guys and a great easter hunt. :) x mini

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